Mittwoch, Oktober 15, 2008

Food-o-grafie: No food today

Zorra invited a new event: food-o-grafie. She wants to know wich camera we are using, why we bought it, if we are satisfied etc..

So let's start.
Since June 2007 I have a Fuji FinePix F31fd (it seems to be no longer available..), a quite small camera that I use for everything. But I have to admit - food is what I take most pictures of. I like its macro function, I'm very satisfied with the pictures taken outside (I love to take photos of flowers and everything that grows). Unfortunately the photos I take inside, with bad light - forget it.. but I don't know if there's a compact cam which would really work under these conditions.

I think it's always useful to see some pictures so let's go..

boat in Regensburg

somewhere near the Maggia, Switzerland

Südfriedhof, Leipzig


One day, when I earned enough money *lol* I would buy a DSLR, but I know that it will be a lot of work until you know all the functions and really know your cam. Even with my camera I could do more, try more often the manual settings.. but I think the automatic mode is really good.

So if you want a camera for city trips, outside and food photos that you take with enough daylight - I really would recommend it.

Zorra wanted a picture taken in september, so here it is: Strawberrys on my new chopping board. I liked the different textures.

5 Kommentare:

  1. The strawberry pic is great, good use of DOF (depth of field) and perspective, and the colors are lovely. The texture of the chopping board adds depth, too - well done

  2. die Bilder zeigen doch schön, wie viel man mit einer Kompaktkamera rausholen kann.

  3. ich hab auch nur ne kompakt-kamera und wenn ich auch mal gescheit geld verdiene, gönn ich mir ne digital spiegelreflex ;-) aber bis dahin.... deine kamera macht sehr coole makro-bilder. muss mal bei mir die gebrauchsanweisung lesen, vll kann ich ja auch mehr aus ihr rausholen ;-)

  4. Vielleicht kauft Mama ja bal d eine neue, und du kriegst die alte. ;-)

    Ernsthaft, tolle Bilder die beweisen, dass man auch mit Kompakt gute Bilder machen kann.

    Danke für deine Teilnahme am ersten food-o-grafie Event.

  5. Tolle Erdbeeren...kriegt man wieder Lust auf Sommer...


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