
Montag, Februar 09, 2009

Paint it.. orange!

I posted this entry in German yesterday - then Foodfreak told me about the "Food in Colors" Event (every month another coloured vegetarian dish)- and so I'll join and translate my post. Let's paint it orange is hosted by My diverse kitchen this month - thank you! Maybe I'll try to follow and join other months too - I liked the idea of many colourful veggie dishes :).

It's just a small, very quick salad - but the bright colour let you forget about the grey, cold weather outside. So I went to town, bought some carrots, looked around in the kitchen, found a mango and some walnuts.. thought that these ingredient might go well togehter, tried and - yes, they do!

Mango meets Carrot

Serves 2
4 carrots
1/2 ripe mango
1 hand full of walnuts, chopped
for the dressing:
4 tb white wine vinegar (I like my carrots quite sour)
5 tb oil
salt, pepper and chili flakes if you like it hot

Rasp the carrots, dice the mango, shake your dressing and mix everything well.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hört sich klasse an (und passt farblich gut zu deinem Blog-Header)!

    Beim 1. Winter BBQ-Geocaching-Event in Regensburg habe ich auch einen tollen Salat mit Möhren und Mango gegessen. Der war mit einem asiatischen Dressing angemacht und durch Chilis etwas pikant - muss ich unbedingt mal ausprobieren.

  2. This is really a colourful salad, Kathi. I just wish it was mango time here. I'll have to wait for another month.:)

    Thanks for being a part of FIC Orange.

  3. Great Idea ! Ih liebe Möhrensalat ! So habe ich ihn aber noch nie gegessen ! hab ich mir gleich gespeichert! Lecker !


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